Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello again. Still having problmes with my sinus infection, but did manage to finish chapters up to chapter 23. I need to write more on this blog, but it's hard when you're sick. I'll try to do more later.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I feel better tonight. I got a lot of extra sleep last night and that helps. I was able to work on chapters 20 to 23 of 'The Bear Dreams'. I also wrote some 250 words of new text on chapter 24. Yeah, I know it's not a lot, but remember I did revisions on four chapters first. They're comming together finally, and I hope to post them onto CC soon.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm tired tonight and a bit sick. I finished one crit for CC and now I'm going to bed. Nite.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not posted for a while, should have. It's how I get into a habit of doing something, I do it for a while, don't do it for a while, over time I become more consistant at doing it.

I realized last week I am right around 50,000 words in the first draft of my first novel 'The Bear Dreams'. My only problem is, I might finish it at around 70,000 words or so, making it a little short for a novel. Hopefully, it will be more of the correct size when I finish the second draft.

I'm also rewriting a couple SF shorts, 'Always Winter' and 'Last Call'. I hope to rewrite 'The Mercy Project' and finish the first draft of 'My Unmasking' soon. I've joined a SciFi crit group as well. I have critted five of a prerequisite six selections for that group and hope to submit some of the stories I just mentioned soon.

All for now, I'll try to be more consistant later.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

'Mutation' of my short story

I got this idea for a short story watching some science cable channel. They talked about 'bursters', neutron stars that let out a short, intense burst of radiation. The idea I had was this radiation mutates the inhabitants of a colony so that their faces are horribly disfigured. As a result, everyone wears a mask at all times. One young colonist, Aaron, wants to know what his face looks like. He finally persuades his mother to allow him to remove his mask and finds out his face is one of the few normal ones on the colony. In his case, the mask protects him from the envy of the others.

I've had this story in my 'drafts' folder for a long time, but it went nowhere. Then, I got the idea of writing it in first person. It's working wonderfully now. I finally hava a voice for him and can't wait to finish it an put it in a crit group.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Not getting much writing done tonight. A guy from one of my critique groups made an urgent request for a crit. I gave a 450 word classic critique. As soon as I submitted it, he maile me back saying he had already rewritten the piece. Oh well, at least I get another credit.

I'm rewriting chapter 16-17 of my novel The Bear Dreams, and my ss 'My Unmasking'. That will probably be my activity for the night.

My ss 'Last Call', which is a rewrite of 'A Strange Night' comes up for review tommorrow in my main critique group. I hope my rewrite is an improvement. I really think this story is worthy of submission for publication.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Where to start?

I've been told every writer needs a blog. Besides, it's lonely sitting in front of your computer all the time. I'd love it if someone could read this and actually think the struggles of my life are worth following. Maybe there is such a person out there, who knows?

I wrote this brief intro of myself and posted it on another creative writing site. Maybe it's the best way to introduce myself.

I'm a 49 year old professional man, husband, and father of two. As you can imagine, it's hard to find time to write everything I want to.

I've always been into science fiction. I tried writing some in high school and never found the discipline to finish anything. I tried writing while in college. People tried to critique my work, but my writing was too perfect and I had no need to listen to them. I never managed to finish anything, anyway. I tried to write again in my 30's. I came up with a lot of good ideas but never managed to finish anything.

I am trying again in my late 40's. The first thing I realized was, I needed to finish something. That's why I wrote a few short stories first, before even attempting a novel. I submitted a couple of those stories to a critique group and got those stories slashed to ribbons. I wallowed in self pity a couple days and then rewrote them several times until I finally got some good comments on them. I am now writing a paranormal novel. I'm about half way through the first draft and a lot of the people critting it say they think it's good.

When I was fifteen or so, my dream was to become the next Isaac Asimov. I figure if I get a Doctorate in Biochemestry, become a pompus egotistical ass, write twelve hours a day, and live to be 110 (it would take that long to write as much as he did), I still have a chance. Otherwise, my goal is to finish my novel, write some short stories, and maybe even get published someday.

Anyway, enough for now. I have other writing to do tonight, so see ya later.